Assessing digital skills acquired through digital actions

Welcome to Unit 2!

In this unit, we turn our focus on how to assess digital skills developed during bottom-up digital actions!


First, you will be introduced to the European Digital Competence Self-Assessment Tool (DigCompSAT). Second, you will explore our methodology of digital skills assessment that combines features from DigCompSAT and the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.2).

Watch the five-minute video to get a glimpse of this unit

A self-assessment tool

To build our methodology, we needed to identify a framework for digital skills assessment to use as a reference point and a source of scientifically-approved practice and knowledge. In this case, our research process led us to the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens Self-Assessment Tool (DigCompSAT).

DigCompSAT measures gaps and weaknesses in digital competences. We chose DigCompSAT as it can be directly connected to the DigComp 2.2 framework that it has been identified in the first activity of intellectual output 4.

DigCompSAT measures digital competence based on three elements, namely knowledge (K), skill (S) and attitude (A).

The O4A4 Methodology

Our methodology serves as a tool to assess digital skills potentially gained through digital actions at partner universities.

As a methodology, it combines important features of DigCompSAT (i.e., measuring competences in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude) with specific competence areas and skills outlined in the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.2).

The O4A4 methodology adopts the DigCompSAT format to align its empirical results to the European context, thus expanding the European framework of digital competences to bottom-up and citizens-driven digital action activities.

As a self-assessment tool, it takes the form of a survey with closed-ended questions that can be easily customised by partners.

You can access our self-assessment tool by clicking here.