Task is an activity in which a person engages in order to attain an objective and which necessitates the use of language

Van den Branden (2006:04)

Establishing common grounds

The presention from Webinar 2

The presentation was prepared on the basis of the Co-Laboratory Training in Virtual Exchange developed by the EVOLVE team, licensed under CC-BY licence, available: here

Task design

Watch the video to learn what telecollaboration (or virtual exchange) is

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As a group, choose one of the topics and discuss what the sequence of tasks might be. Prepare the outline of the sequence. Use the Google docs below as your working spaces. ENJOY :-)

Topic 1: Motivation for the speciality selection

Topic 2: Characterization of the curriculum

Topic 3: Characterization of research topics

Topic 4: Employing companies in the territory

Topic 5: Points of contact between both counterparts